01 Jun A “Casa” Where Commitment Is Essential
Social commitment is very important to Galíndez LLC, a core value we hold dearly. We are always looking for this type of initiative to contribute and serve the community with a legitimate interest. And in this case, we decided to contribute and help “Casa Familiar Virgilio Dávila”.
Why “Casa Familiar Virgilio Dávila”?
Their mission is to provide kids from the “Residencial Virgilio Dávila” in Bayamón the academic support for them to carry out their tasks. With the staff, tutors, and volunteers, the place helps kids from ages 6 to 12 years old work on their discipline. It offers them a better atmosphere to avoid school dropouts, early pregnancy and keep them away from drugs and alcohol.
For us in Galíndez, LLC kids are essential to the future of Puerto Rico. We want to contribute to the successful development of a child’s personality with love, trust and the opportunity to develop and enhance their abilities in the healthiest way possible. We believe that is what they are doing in “Casa Familiar Virgilio Dávila”.
With our contribution “Casa Familiar Virgilio Dávila” celebrated on April 26th the “Brillando Juntos: Dile No al maltrato infantil” (Shining together, “Say no to children’s abuse”).
Gisselle Jimenez wrote to us: “Greetings and blessings from Casa Familiar Virgilio Dávila! Through this letter, we want to give you our deepest gratitude for the commitment, dedication, and love you have had with our community. Thanks to people like you we teach children of the “Residencial Virgilio Dávila” and Puerto Rico that there are no limits and if they shine during the darkness, they will make a difference. We admire your dedication and nobility to improve the quality of life of the children of “Casa Familiar Virgilio Dávila”.
We thank Mrs. Jiménez for those kind words and pictures because it encourages us to keep participating and committing to social needs in Puerto Rico.