08 Dec Helping the Barrio Palmas Community
The Galíndez, LLC team is proud to support the Association for Youth and Community of Barrio Palmas, Inc. (Asociación Pro Juventud y Comunidad de Barrio Palmas or APJ), a resilient nonprofit organization organized in 1984 by a group of citizens concerned about the high degree of social marginalization, economic depression, low schooling and use of controlled substances in the Palmas de Cataño community. Their main goal is economic social development and cultural advancement of multigenerational groups, fomenting values fo unity and family. For decades, APJ has been an essential resource for various community organizations in search of alternative solutions for their own problems. Families with children and young people in the process of dropping out, school dropouts, the elderly, homeless and disabled; everyone finds resources and opportunities in the Association to continue your own development and encourage healthy lifestyles.
Among other contributions, Galíndez LLC has been proud to support various local events and community programs, through sponsorship, staff help, and economic contributions. About Galíndez LLC’s support, Executive Director María Torres Ramos added, “We deeply appreciate your support, as we were able to impact our children, more disadvantaged in educational activities, but at the same time, fun and self-improvement, encouraging positive values. Young leaders, adults, seniors, the board of directors, APJ general staff, volunteers and anonymous sponsors all who joined this summer adventure, and we are immensely grateful for the contribution of Galíndez, LLC and their dedicated team.”