15 Jan Get your IT Systems Equipped for the Future of Healthcare
Cutting-edge technology has continued to penetrate healthcare systems and that trend is certainly not slowing down. Software, such as electronic medical records (EMR), and hardware, such as medical devices connected to a network-reliant hub, are elements that healthcare organizations want to integrate into single modern platforms that can be easily managed and secured. Understanding this essential IT infrastructure and recognizing its core value in their entire system will subsequently result in their being able to provide uninterrupted care to their patients and obtain cost-effective business services.
Integrating all these systems can seem like a daunting task. One report found that 60% of healthcare IT professionals indicated that their current processes and systems made it somewhat to extremely difficult to identify where problems were when something went wrong. Galíndez LLC IT experts share some ways that healthcare systems can improve their ability to identify and resolve issues.
Automated Service Mapping
Any kind of health system downtime can adversely affect the clinician and patient experience, sometimes to the point of being life-threatening. The complexity of IT infrastructures does not allow for easy identification of issues or problems that can arise in the system. However, automated service mapping permits the IT team to gain system-wide visibility. Among its IT benefits is being able to track services across an entire IT and clinical environment, create maps that are service-specific to your organization, and performing these tasks in reasonable time and with minimal input from domain experts. What this means for the healthcare entity is being able to rapidly find the disruption, fix it, and thus reduce costs and improve reliability.
Simpler Service Requests
With EMR’s induction into the modern healthcare system, medical professionals are engulfed in technology that can consume their time and even their energy. IT can greatly support clinical teams by improving their overall experience with the programs. One key element to consider is providing the option for clinicians to submit service requests with their EMR programs. This can greatly simplify the process of identifying and correcting any service issues without severely impacting the medical staff’s workflow. Creating a streamlined process will contribute to assisting the clinicians to focus on their patients and not on their technology.
Coordinate well complex systems
Healthcare IT infrastructures usually include a complex network of siloed systems. This setup creates a challenge to establish end-to-end visibility which limits an organization’s ability to get better insights into real-time issues. For example, if a refrigeration system goes down or was down for a period of time, that is information you need to assess whether a vaccine that was being stored is still usable. To make sure these complex systems are working unitedly, healthcare organizations need more interoperability and the ability to deploy connected operations that aggregate the management of connected devices to provide maintenance, detect issues, deliver remediation, and manage compliance. You can find on the market these kinds of orchestration solutions that will enhance IT efficiencies and contribute to quicker resolutions and improved service availability.
As innovative technology will continue to be introduced to healthcare, Galíndez IT professionals have the expertise to assist you in implementing these capabilities into your IT structure, thus providing you with complete visibility, control, and security across your organization. Contact us for further details.