23 Feb Galíndez Insights: Seminar “Firm’s Audit Approach 2022”
Galindez, LLC Audit Partner Rafael Nieves, CPA, introduced the firm’s new uniformed auditing system in the seminar “Firm’s Audit Approach 2022” on February 21, 2022. With this seminar, our firm reaches an important milestone in establishing a clear and focused approached to the auditing process that the entire team con unitedly follow. Learn more about this vetted approach and how it benefits both our team and the client’s we wholeheartedly serve.
This seminar is part of our valuable education efforts for professionals and students across Puerto Rico, for the furtherment of the accounting industry. This content was developed for legal, accounting, and other professional service consultants pursuing various licenses or accreditations, as needed. This recording is provided for the benefit of participants who attended and wish to review, and as such, is password protected. Please contact us (info@galindezllc.com) to obtain your password (terms apply).