13 Dec Galíndez LLC at the 2023 PRASFAA Convention: Strengthening Educational Security
The recently concluded 2023 PRASFAA Convention was a great success. It included a platform to fortify educational security and uphold the foundations of our future. Galíndez LLC, invited by our esteemed client Fiberwolf, proudly participated in this significant event. Fiberwolf, represented by its president, Ricardo Sanchez, CISSP, delivered a vital presentation on Cybersecurity Program Compliance for Educational Institutions.
Alongside Fiberwolf’s insightful session, Galíndez had the privilege of contributing to the convention. Our distinguished Manager, CPA Christian Ojeda, shared valuable expertise on the GLBA from an Auditor’s perspective, shedding light on the Most Frequent Audit Findings. The primary aim of this joint seminar was to delve into Information Security from an auditor’s lens, explore the commonly found audit discoveries, and offer a Financial Outlook for universities. This seminar, curated for directors, compliance officers, financial aid professionals, and other key figures from universities, was a pivotal aspect of the two-seminar for the education community. The topics addressed were crucial for developing and protecting educational institutions that shape the present and future generations.
At Galíndez LLC, we persistently support educational initiatives and community development. Our participation in the PRASFAA Convention aligns with our commitment to fortifying academic sectors and contributing to our communities holistic growth. We’re privileged to have shared insights at the 2023 PRASFAA Convention, furthering our dedication to supporting vital educational organizations impacting future generations. To see more details about the presentation delivered, visit our Presentations section or click here.
To learn more, please contact us: info@galindezllc.com