15 Dec FPVG Pulse Presentation: Accounting Guidance “The CARES Act”
FPV & Galíndez presents insights into handling the accounting implications of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act that became law on March 27, 2020. With the worldwide economic impact of lockdowns and business closures, billions of dollars were made available as a response to market volatility and instability. With so many dollars and cents being released for use, it’s important to understand how these funds were to be allocated and what this can mean when end-of-year numbers need to be reviewed.
Meanwhile, with the close of 2020 looming, it’s pivotal for businesses in Puerto Rico to understand how the CARES Act impacts financial audits, and the new guidelines to follow in this unprecedented program. This information is essential across all industries we serve, including the complex and evolving healthcare industry. FPV & Galíndez has prepared the following resources and trusts that this information will result in better comprehension and management of your organization’s financials as we enter 2021. Remember that all materials presented here are intended for educational purposes and do not represent legal advice or accounting consulting. Please note that this presentation may not be reproduced (in whole or in part) without the written consent of the FPVG team.
To learn more, please contact us: info@fpvgalindez.com