Glenda Benítez Santos, Esq.

Consulting Manager

Glenda has over 21 years of experience in handling local and state tax issues. She became Legal Advisor and Hearing Officer for the Administrative Appeals Office of the Puerto Rico Treasury Department, providing legal counseling in income tax, sales and use tax, excise tax, and estate tax cases, among others. She was also named Assistant Secretary of the Puerto Rico Treasury Department’s Appeals Office. In this role, as Administrative Judge, she was in charge of the Appeals and the Adjudicative Proceedings Offices. Currently, her practice includes corporate tax, sales and use tax, tax incentives laws, administrative law, and state and local taxes.

Explore more at Galíndez LLC

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About our firm

For the past decade, our multidisciplinary firm has enjoyed a great reputation for providing expert insight on a wide variety of business consulting engagements. Learn more about why Galíndez LLC is one of the most prolific and diverse accounting consulting firms in Puerto Rico.

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Specialized Industries

Our firm has worked with partners across many industries and of all shapes and sizes. From small private companies to government agencies, to massive healthcare and consumer companies, to nonprofit and everything in between. See our list of industry specialties to learn more.

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Discover our range of services

Galíndez LLC brings world-class resources and exceptional service to each and every one of our clients. Our dedicated team and deep expertise are evident in every aspect of our consulting engagements. Our wide array of services caters to the needs of a myriad of clients with fully customizable solutions to meet their unique problems.