04 May Updates: Galíndez Implements COVID-19 Protocol for Puerto Rico
As stated by the Executive Order issued by the Governor of Puerto Rico, professional activities such as those performed by certified public accountants firms will be allowed to resume in the workplace as of Monday, May 4, 2020.
In this regard, Galíndez, LLC offices will remain closed. As it has been since then, we will keep offering our services remotely, maximizing all the technological tools for communication and access. During this week, we will be conditioning and securing our workplace with the intention of returning to work in our office facilities on Monday, May 11, 2020.
Starting next Monday, May 11, 2020, our office facilities will be open during the hours allowed by the Executive Order. Only actions that by their nature cannot be carried out virtually or remotely will be carried out on site. The number of people authorized to perform labors in the office will be limited, observing the strictest protection and distancing measures, thus avoiding the possibility of contagion. All professional staff will continue to work remotely and the use of available technological tools will be promoted to carry out all types of communication, including meetings.
Eventually, and as there is greater certainty of safety and health for all our staff, our office facilities and personnel will return to work in normal hours of operation.
If anyone has any questions, don’t hesitate to contact any of the Partners
- Julio A. Galíndez 787-398-3005
- Marcos A. Claudio 787-406-8923
- Rafael Nieves 787-405-6070
- Kenneth Rivera 787-642-3471
- Axel Ramírez 787-640-2987
- Leví Villegas 787-642-3505
- Iris Otero 787-642-3520
Please trust that our services and response capabilities will remain unaffected while ensuring prevention and any risk of spreading the coronavirus in our workplace and community. As part of our efforts, we have also reinforced the cleaning processes in our offices and educated our employees on how to stay healthy and alert. Similarly, we have established a protocol to handle any situation related to the coronavirus (COVID-19) as recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Puerto Rico Health Department.
We are committed to providing the best service while responding in a sensible manner to the fast-changing situation, adhering to official recommendations, and looking for the best interest of our staff, clients, and friends. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need additional information. Thank you very much for your trust.
For additional inquiries or media requests, contact us: info@galindez.com.