FPVG Pulse Presentation: General Overview of the Uniform Guidance and its Applicability to the Coronavirus and Providers Relief Funds

With relief funds pouring in to support employees and business owners during the Coronavirus pandemic, it’s important to understand clearly how the Uniform Guidance will impact your overall financial audits. FPV & Galíndez are your ardent supporters and we have provided another tool to assist you with our “General Overview of the Uniform Guidance and it’s Applicability to the Coronavirus and Providers Relief Funds” presentation. This information includes a general overview of the Uniform Guidance itself and an overview of how an organization can understand the compliance requirements.

With an expert panel of auditors and tax consultants, our firm is committed to guiding our clients through all the intricate tax compliance regulations that they encounter. Along with this educative tool,  get further information on how your organization can benefit you by contacting our team here.



To learn more, please contact us: info@fpvgalindez.com