15 Sep Leví Villegas, CPA Elected as NA Board Member for Nexia International
It is with great pride that Galindez LLC announces that our own Leví Villegas, CPA, Tax Partner at the firm, has been selected as the official representative for the Caribbean and Mexico at Nexia International at their annual NA Board election. Galindez LLC is the exclusive representative for Nexia in Puerto Rico, joining more than 260 partner firms in their commitment to excellence in consulting across the globe. Ranked the 8th largest international accounting and consulting network (according to International Accounting Bulletin World Survey, 2021), Nexia International is a worldwide affiliation of independent auditors, business advisers, and consultants.
The Nexia International network comprises 34,500 Partners and professional staff in 265 member firms serving our clients through 752 offices in 128 countries. The key to Nexia’s success is simple: global representation with member firms ranking in the top ten in the world’s major financial and economic centers. This positioning means that Nexia is able to provide top-quality service to its clients with international needs. From its foundation to the present day, one of Nexia’s greatest strengths has been the willingness of its independent firms to share their Partners’ expertise and knowledge on behalf of the affiliation’s clients. Our clients naturally expect the highest standards of professional advice. All of our independent member firms apply strict procedures and standards. They are subject to regular quality control reviews which must be met as a condition of continuing membership of Nexia International. All its member firms must belong to their local professional body. In addition, our specialist committees publish several professional publications and manuals – all contributing to the quality and international expertise of Nexia International.
Alongside other professionals from Canada and United States, Leví Villegas was selected as their newest NA Board member and will continue to push forward our aligned values of excellence with passion and accountability for the development of our vital industry. Congratulations from everyone on the Galindez LLC team!