
Do you know about the revised due dates for the 2021 Tax Season? Your trusted team of Tax Consultants at Galíndez LLC wishes to share some updated information for state and federal returns and payments. Please read our updated calendar via the link below.     [button size='' style='' text='READ OUR REVISED...

Your trusted team of Tax Consultants at Galíndez LLC wishes to share some updated information. The Puerto Rico Treasury Department issued an important change regarding the filing dates for the 2021 Tax Returns, due to the island-wide power outages that have recently affected us. Please read our announcement via...

Galindez LLC's commitment to excellence for all our clients, including the corporate and banking arena, was recently highlighted in Caribbean Business through a wonderful exposé that showcases our new look, and our incredible adaptiveness to the changing financial landscape. Consistently named one of Puerto Rico's top...

On January 1st, 2022 our firm announced its new corporate identity. With much excitement, we start the new year focused on taking our core values and proven reputation to new horizons in the financial world. This outlook is embraced in our rebranding as Galíndez, LLC....